PrivyID Signer Digital
Frontend Engineer - Yogyakarta
Position in project division to handle admin panel to collaboration with client for using middleware of system core in Privy, using Javascript (Vue and Nuxt).
Hai you can call me Dery, A Fullstack Developer "Leaning more in the Frontend" who has 4 years experience in create website using Javascript (React, Vue, Next and Nuxt), create mobile apps using Kotlin or React Native. Having knowledge of UI / UX and Python Data Science
View Portfolio Hire meStarted learning programming / code in college (University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta) with python, java and PHP language, and then continued to study python with data science in scholarship program from minister indonesia
Finally decided to learn javascript in Arkademy Tech Education, Learned React, Express, Next, React Native, Firebase and Redux.
Name: Arian Derida Hamami
Have experience in Javascript Universe (Frontend or Backend) Using Express, React, Next, Vue, Nuxt, Currently work as a Frontend Engineer at Privy Signer Digital, and freelance a fullstack engineer role
Using Javascript (React, Next, Vue, Nuxt).
Experience with Express, REST-API and GraphQL.
Flexible product Kotlin and React Native.
Imagine with Figma and Play with Adobe product.
Knowledge of python obtained when getting a scholarship.
Understand Git and teams collaboration (Agile Scrum).
Frontend Engineer - Yogyakarta
Position in project division to handle admin panel to collaboration with client for using middleware of system core in Privy, using Javascript (Vue and Nuxt).
Fullstack Developer - Sidoarjo
Registered as a freelancer Frontend Developer working on website projects using Javascript React, and working remotely.
Software Engineer - Jakarta Selatan
Work as a Software Engineer to Create beautiful website and mobile applications using Javascript (Express, React, Next) and Kotlin.
Javascript Course - Jogja Bootcamp
Start learning to use Javascript as a Fullstack developer focus on building website with ReactsJs and mobile app with React Native.
Data Science Course - Surakarta
2 months of course (theory, study case, and project method) to learn about Python for data science and statistic or data processing.
Designer Graphic - Surakarta
Work as a graphic designer in digital marketing team, Make a content plan for Social Media (Instagram and Facebook) and promotion strategic.
Bachelor of Computer Science - Surakarta
Bachelor of Computer Science (S.Kom) Informatics with 4.46 GPA, learning conceptual of computer software and hardware.